The PHCC executive board is comprised of parents who volunteer their time to help make important decisions that guide the school throughout the year.

PRESIDENT – Beth Howanski (2019-2025)

Presides at all parent and executive board meetings; assigns jobs to new parents; appoints all special committees; prepares teacher contracts; prepares monthly newsletter; refers to and completes monthly to do lists as outlined in Presidents Binder; must be available to work at all times in cooperation with teachers in organizing and coordinating all preschool affairs.  Presides at monthly executive board meetings.  Job starts in the summer.  Makes purchases for school and will be reimbursed by submitting a PHCC reimbursement form and attaching receipts.

VICE PRESIDENTS – Deana Smiley (2022-2025)

There is one Vice President for each class.  Each VP is assigned one or more of the following duties: organizes fundraisers and contacts businesses to request contributions for Basket Bingo, Ice Cream Social, Family Movie Night, End of Year Picnic and other fundraisers decided by the board.  Contacts speakers and arranges program for parent meetings, contacts and organizes photographer for class pictures and handles the sales of school t-shirts.  VPs are also responsible for performing duties of the President in her/his absence.  VPs are the liaison between parents and the Executive Board.  VPs will send weekly emails to parents to include weekly updates and reminders.  Attends monthly executive board meetings.  Job starts in the summer.  Makes purchases for school and will be reimbursed by submitting a PHCC reimbursement form and attaching receipt

TREASURER – Brian Nickerson (2022-2025)

Collects, disburses and records all monies; submits a financial record at all board and parent meetings and at year-end; and files official forms with federal, local and state governments.  Other duties include: teacher payroll. Attends monthly executive board meetings.  Job starts in the summer.  Makes purchases for school and will be reimbursed by submitting a PHCC reimbursement form and attaching receipts.



Handles all aspects of registration for new members; records and organizes all medical records; health forms and emergency cards.  Discuss responsibilities of cooperative parent with new parents and prospective members; handles open house, registration days and advertising for any school openings.  Prepares class rosters for new school year and organizes student files.  Attends monthly executive board meetings.  Job starts in the summer.  Makes purchases for school and will be reimbursed by submitting a PHCC reimbursement form and attaching receipts.


Provides publicity to prospective members and convenience to current members by maintaining and updating the PHCC website.  Purchases the domain yearly and keeps site up-to-date and running.  Posts dates of events and any other information as requested.  Sends mass emails on behalf of school and keeps Facebook page current.  Assists with fundraisers and school events.  Attends monthly executive board meetings.  Job starts in the summer.  Makes purchases for school and will be reimbursed by submitting a PHCC reimbursement form and attaching receipts.

SECRETARY – Mary Fink (2024-2025)

Records all minutes for executive board and parent meetings; keeps a record of all attendance at meetings; sends letters to parents not in attendance at parents meetings; conducts necessary correspondence for school, i.e. thank you letters, business letters.  Posts minutes on school notice board.  Assists with fundraisers and school events. Attends monthly executive board meetings.  Job starts in the summer.  Makes purchases for school and will be reimbursed by submitting a PHCC reimbursement form and attaching receipts.